Friday, April 23, 2021


We did our initial bit of filming on 10/12/20 in the drama studio in school. We filmed an interrogation where Major Inspector Thorne was interrogating Tucker, Alan and Herbert about the murder. We did not use any of this footage as we were mainly just testing the cameras and experimenting with different lighting techniques that we could use. This session also allowed us to get a feel of our characters and get to grips with them.

This session proved to be very useful as we learnt a lot about lighting and sound. Upon viewing our footage we decided to film part of our opening outdoors and part of it indoors. Originally, the majority of our film opening was going to be filmed indoors around a table as the three suspects were being interrogated by Inspector Thorne.

We decided against this however, partly due to lighting and sound issues that we discovered as a result of this testing session. We learnt how important it is to have complete acoustic isolation as the sound from the floor above seriously impacted our work. We also learnt that we needed more than once source of lighting to avoid harsh shadows.

We also found that we can use different camera shots to create meaning, for example a low-angle shot of Herbert (Sam) would prove effective in displaying Herbert as a powerful and important businessman.

 Below are pictures taken during the filming we did on 10/12/20

Thursday, April 22, 2021


We constructed a storyboard that briefly describes each individual scene in our film opening. Using a storyboard also helps us to map out our film opening and we can refer to it to make sure we don't miss out any scenes when filming.


BENJAMIN RICHARDSON CANDIDATE NUMBER 1853 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 My production team included: Matthew Heyns 1828 , Finn Hanley 182...